Relish designs has experience in kitchen design and custom cabinetry however we are excited to be launching a researched and specialised "green kitchen" design service as the Melbourne "Greener Kitchens" design consultancy. are based in Brisbane and have been broadly published in green magazines throughout Australia. Its an exciting collaboration as green kitchens are made with materials that have low environmental impacts along with lower emissions - so air quality within the home contains less pollutants - just the thing we are passionate about. Bring on cleaner air for Melbourne homes and more options to help people create healthy homes !
Sustainable, lower emission building products are available although a little harder to find than conventional products as we wait for large manufacturers and suppliers to see the demand for healthier, more sustainable products. I am loving getting into the nitty gritty on where to find what and what can be used where ...
The concept of acknowledging the quality of our indoor air despite not being able to see it or test it daily is gaining recognition.
In my travels I found a great book you may find of value - Good Green Homes
gives an overview of ways we can make our homes healthy for the environment and ourselves for those buying, building and renting - theres some good info for everyone.
Green, clean, healthy & beautiful for the hub of the home - your kitchen.
Happy reading !